Artificial Intelligence Board kicks off work on uptake of AI in the EU and implementation of the AI Act
Today, the Commission is hosting the first official meeting of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Board, following the entry into force of the AI Act on 1 August. This inaugural session, which takes place in Brussels, marks an important step in the EU’s commitment to shape a robust framework for AI governance.
The AI Board is comprised of high-level representatives from the Commission and all EU Member States, and is discussing how to enhance the development and uptake of AI in the EU and the next steps in the implementation of the AI Act. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and EEA/EFTA representatives from Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland are participating as observers. The EU AI Office provides the Secretariat for the AI Board.
Today’s meeting is primarily focusing on the following key areas: the establishment of the AI Board’s organisation and the adoption of its rules of procedure; an update and strategic discussion on EU AI policy, including the GenAI4EU initiative and international AI activities; a progress update and discussion on the first deliverables of the Commission related to the AI Act’s implementation; and an exchange of best practices for national approaches to AI governance and AI Act implementation.
The Commission and Member States aim to ensure a robust and timely setup of the AI governance framework, facilitating effective participation of Member States and implementation of the AI Act.
This meeting follows a preparatory session hosted by the Commission on 19 June, which laid the essential groundwork for the AI Act’s implementation.