Civilian CSDP Compact: Council adopts conclusions

The Council today adopted conclusions on the Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Compact reaffirming its commitment to make civilian CSDP more capable, more effective, flexible and responsive, as well as more joined up.

The conclusions highlight the significant contribution of the civilian CSDP missions to international peace and stability as an essential part of the EU’s integrated approach to external conflicts and crises. They also emphasise the need to strengthen the EU’s role and capacity to act as a security provider through CSDP.

Following the first annual review conference (ARC), held on 14 November 2019 in Brussels, the Council welcomes the positive overall progress during the last year and the strong commitment by all stakeholders to fully deliver on the compact.

The Council endorses the waypoints identified at the ARC, which aim to contribute to the overall implementation of the Compact, ensuring cross-connections between the different areas. They also seek to promote close cooperation with relevant partners on a case-by-case basis.

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