Commission supports Bulgaria’s reform to make state-owned enterprises more transparent and independent
The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have been providing support to Bulgaria through the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) to review and assess the governance of state-owned enterprises. As a result of this project and its recommendations, Bulgaria made considerable progress in the area of corporate governance of state-owned enterprises, including passing a new law and the establishment of the Agency for Public Enterprises and Control. This reform will make Bulgarian state-owned enterprises more transparent and independent, and is in line with Bulgaria’s ambition to ultimately join the euro area. Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said: “We are pleased that the support provided under the EU’s Structural Reform Support Programme offered guidance to strengthen Bulgaria’s legislative environment for state enterprise ownership. The adoption of modern public policies related to the governance of state-owned enterprises will further support the country’s integration in the EU economy.” The SRSP offers expertise to all EU countries for the implementation of growth-enhancing reforms. The support is based on request and is tailor-made for the beneficiary Member State. Since 2017, the programme has provided support to more than 550 projects in 26 Member States.