Commission takes first step towards adoption of a Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe

As a first step towards the adoption of a Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe the Commission yesterday published a roadmap, inviting interested citizens and stakeholders to share their views on the Strategy. Scheduled to be adopted before the end of the year, the overall objective of the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe is to help ensure Europe’s supply of safe and affordable medicines and support the European pharmaceutical industry to remain an innovator and world leader. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner in charge of Health & Food Safety, said: “By the end of the year, I will present an ambitious Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe to ensure affordability, sustainability and security of supply. The coronavirus pandemic has showed us more than ever that we need to have a crisis-resistant system and the means to produce medicine within the EU to ensure timely access to essential medicines for our citizens and hospitals in all circumstances.” Citizens, experts and stakeholders are invited to give, until 7 July 2020, their feedback to the roadmap through the Better Regulation Portal and consult the dedicated website for additional information and to follow updates. This roadmap will be followed by a public consultation.