Commissioner Arias Cañete in Spain to present the strategy for a climate neutral Europe by 2050


On 20-22 February, Climate Action and Energy Commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete,will be in Spain to present the European Commission’s strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by 2050, published by the Commission last November.

On Wednesday 20 February, he will appear in front of the Mixed Committee for the European Union at the Spanish Congress of Deputies to present the Commission’s vision for a climate-neutral Europe. Later that day, Commissioner Arias Cañete will meet the Spanish business community to discuss the opportunities for European industry in the modernisation and transformation of the European economy towards a climate neutral economy. On Thursday 21 February, the Commissioner will meet with Teresa Ribera Rodriguez, Minister for Ecological Transition, to discuss climate neutrality objectives. The Commissioner will also meet representatives from the environmental organizations in Spain. This is the second of a number of visits that the Commissioner is planning in the coming weeks and months to highlight the EU’s long-term vision, aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
