Competition: Commission publishes call for contributions on ‘Competition Policy supporting the Green Deal’

@European Union, 2018@European Union, 2018

The Commission has launched a call for contributions on how competition policy can further support the objectives of the European Green Deal.  The role of competition policy is to protect effective competition in markets, to the benefit of consumers and businesses. When it comes to fighting climate change and protecting the environment, competition policy cannot replace the vital role of regulation. It can and does however already contribute to the effectiveness of Europe’s green policies and play a key supporting role, in helping Europe achieve its green goals, through the enforcement of the EU rules on antitrust, mergers and State aid. The purpose of the call for contributions, which will be open until 20 November 2020, is to gather ideas and proposals from interested stakeholders, including competition experts, academia, industries, environmental groups and consumer organisations on how competition rules and sustainability policies work together and on whether they could work together even better in the future. The contributions received will feed into a conference early next year that will bring those different perspectives together.