Coronavirus vaccine disinformation: new actions taken by online platforms at the end of last year

The Commission publishes today the reports by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, TikTok and Twitter on measures taken in November and December 2021 against coronavirus disinformation as signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation. Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, said: “The efforts of the signatories to support vaccination campaigns in the EU are crucial as the spread of Omicron poses significant challenges. But there is still margin for improvement. The next batch will come in March, by this time signatories should have delivered the new strengthened Code that I expect will tackle the existing weaknesses, including by treating all languages in a rigorous way.” Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, added: “I thank the platforms for showing commitment in this regular monitoring exercise to fight against COVID disinformation. As we are now heading towards the final stages of the Digital Services Act’s adoption, I have high expectations for them to intensify their work and swiftly adopt a strong Code of Practice to be in line with our new European digital handbook.”  TikTok reported that videos with a vaccine tag applied on its channels in Europe tripled from 90,000 in October to 266,000 in December. Google has updated the search information panels on COVID-19 vaccination available in all 27 countries and starts including information related to paediatric vaccination. Facebook removed a disinformation and harassment network targeted at medical professionals, journalists and elected officials managed by an anti-vaccination conspiracy movement. Microsoft has allowed some vaccine advertising from public authorities under its updated policies, which generated about 733,000 impressions in the EU between November and December. Twitter reported on design updates to labels for misleading tweets related to COVID and vaccines, to make them easier to spot. For more details see the reports here. Discussions to strengthened Code of Practice are ongoing. The new Code, following the Guidance published in June should be presented by the end of March.