Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on Venezuela

The European Union has consistently reiterated that a sustainable solution to the crisis in Venezuela can only be achieved through a genuine and inclusive political process that leads the country to free and fair presidential elections.

Venezuela, like the rest of the world, is now experiencing unprecedented challenges with the coronavirus pandemic, which risks having a devastating human impact in a country grappling with an already grave economic, social and humanitarian situation.

Now is the time for all actors in Venezuela to come together and find a united way to address the coronavirus emergency, for the benefit of the Venezuelan people.

In this context, the European Union takes positive note of the Democratic Transition Framework on Venezuela proposed by the United States. The US proposal goes in the EU line of proposing a peaceful way out of the crisis through a negotiated path to a democratic government, which is now more needed than ever. We also take note with interest of the new approach on US sanctions contained in the plan.

The solution to the country’s plight needs to be led and owned by the people of Venezuela. It is fundamental for a transition process to be inclusive and driven by the Venezuelan political actors from whom the people expect maturity and generosity.

The EU calls upon all Venezuelan stakeholders to put the interests of the nation above all other considerations and engage in a credible, representative and serious negotiation process, such as the one facilitated by Norway (Oslo Process).

The EU stands ready to contribute, notably through the International Contact Group, to a meaningful and inclusive process towards the reinstatement of democracy and rule of law, through free and fair presidential elections.

In parallel to our political work, we are acutely aware of the suffering of the population and will continue and reinforce our assistance to the people of Venezuela to help address the coronavirus pandemic and the many previously existing humanitarian needs.