EU Annual Growth Survey 2015: A new Momentum for Jobs, Growth and Investment

The 2015 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) published by the European Commission today focuses on putting Europe firmly back on a path of sustainable job creation and economic growth. The arrival of the new Commission, with an ambitious agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change, is the right moment to generate a new momentum. By proposing an ambitious Investment Plan to mobilise at least € 315 billion of additional public and private investment over the next three years, Europe is turning a page (Investment Plan press material). This is part of the European Commission’s overall approach to support job creation and get Europe growing. As part of this approach, the Commission, in its Annual Growth Survey 2015, recommends pursuing an economic and social policy based on three main pillars: (1) a boost to investment, (2) a renewed commitment to structural reforms and (3) the pursuit of fiscal responsibility.
