EU invests to improve road connection between Hungary and Slovakia
The EU invests €552.6 million to expand the M30 motorway and connect the city of Miskolc in Hungary and the town of Tornyosnémeti, at the border with Slovakia. This Cohesion Fund investment will allow traffic to move faster, improve road safety and reduce congestion. The project will bring closer to fruition the European transport network plan known as ‘Via Carpathia’, linking the Baltic with the Black and Aegean seas. Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “This road connection was long awaited and will directly benefit the one million inhabitants of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén area, with faster, safer and more comfortable travel conditions. Ultimately, Hungary and Slovakia will benefit from the positive spillovers of better connectivity in terms of jobs, growth, tourism and trade.” EU-funded works include the construction of a 60-km motorway stretch and of 48 bridges. The construction will involve local companies and should be completed in February 2022.