EU support to UN Peace Architecture: building and sustaining peace globally

In the framework of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, the European Union is today further strengthening support to the United Nations’ work in preventing conflict and sustaining peace, by making a first-ever direct contribution to the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), and by contributing fresh funding to the Joint UN Development Programme (UNDP) – UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Conflict Prevention Programme, and the UN Office on Genocide-Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (€6 million). This strong commitment to the close partnership with the United Nations on security and peace will be demonstrated at the signing ceremony of relevant documents in New York on Monday. The EU-UN partnership is at the heart of global efforts to prevent conflict and build and sustain peace. EU support to the global UN peace and security architecture, including support to UN mediation efforts and to stability-related UN in-country projects, amounts to a total of over €300 million.