Eurobarometer on the European Year of Youth: Young Europeans are increasingly engaged

Today, the Commission published its Flash Eurobarometer on Youth and Democracy, conducted between 22 February and 4 March 2022. With the European Year of Youth in full swing, and at the end of the Conference on the future of Europe – where youth played a crucial part – it allows to take stock of the sentiment among the young generation. The new Eurobarometer survey shows growing youth engagement: today, a majority (58%) of young people are active in the societies they live in and have participated in one or more youth organisations over the last 12 months. This is an increase of 17 percentage points since last Eurobarometer in 2019. In addition, young people’s most common expectation for the 2022 European Year of Youth is for decision-makers to listen more to their demands and act on them (71%), and to support their personal, social and professional development (72%). Today, the Commission is also launching a new online tool, the “Voice your Vision”platform, to make it easier for young Europeans to make their voice heard. Furthermore, policy dialogues between Members of the College and young people are organised in the framework of the Year of Youth. They give a unique opportunity to young people to get direct access to decision-makers and express face to face their vision and ideas on all policy areas. For more information, please consult our press release.