General Court of the EU: one additional judge appointed

The representatives of the governments of the member states today appointed Gerhard Hesse (Austria) as judge to the General Court of the European Union.

The appointment was made as part of the third and final phase of the reform of the General Court, which will bring the number of judges to two per member state. Nine additional judges in total are expected to join the General Court in this phase of the reform.

The mandate of Mr Hesse will run until 31 August 2022.

He is amongst the judges who have been appointed for three years as part of the reform of the General Court. The aim is to bring the mandate of these judges in line with the end of the mandate of the other judge from the same member state.


The General Court is one of the two courts constituting the Court of Justice of the European Union, together with the Court of Justice itself. It is the court of first instance for the majority of decisions taken by the Commission and other EU institutions and bodies, in all areas where the European Union holds competences.

The judges are appointed to the General Court by common accord of the governments of the member states after consultation of a panel responsible for giving an opinion on prospective candidates’ suitability to perform the duties concerned. They are chosen from among individuals whose independence is beyond doubt and they must possess the ability required for appointment to high judicial office.