High-quality and high-speed internet access vital to achieve a Digital Single Market
The Commission today published the first results of two public consultations: one on Europeans’ broadband needs and the other focusing on the review of current EU telecoms rules. Well over 1500 people responded to the first consultation. Many users consider their needs in terms of internet speed and quality are not fulfilled. They also expect the use of internet services and applications to increase dramatically by 2025. They say policy measures are required to support the development of infrastructure in line with their future needs (more information here). The second consultation sought views on a large number of questions including on how EU rules could incentivise network rollout, on spectrum management, on the role of universal service rules and on institutional set up and governance. According to the overview released today, respondents felt that competition law principles should continue to underpin the EU’s regulation in this field. However, they also widely recognise the need for policy adjustment to improve connectivity and advance the internal market (more information here). Creating the right conditions for digital products, networks and services to flourish is part of the Commission’s Digital Single Market strategy. The Commission will propose a revised EU telecoms framework in the course of the year