Honouring courage in journalism: Apply for the 2021 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize until 19 April

Applications open today for one of the world’s leading journalism awards – the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize. Backed by the European Commission, the prize honours journalists from around the world for their courageous reporting and for their stories about people and the planet that highlight some of today’s biggest challenges and inspiring solutions that address them. The closing date for entries is 19 April 2021. The winners will be awarded with €10,000.

To mark the launch of the application for the 2021 edition, Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, said: “The European Union stands for freedom of expression, in Europe and around the world. Through the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, we recognise journalists who have dared, often at great personal risk, to report the facts and tell the stories shedding light on issues like injustice, inequality, and environmental degradation. Stories that showcase the inspiring ways in which people are responding. If you are a journalist who has told just this story in the past year, I encourage you to apply.”

Focusing on sustainable development

For nearly three decades, the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize has been recognising high-quality, courageous reporting on compelling issues such as:

  • tackling inequality and poverty, and creating jobs;
  • promoting lasting development that respects people and planet;
  • protecting the environment, biodiversity, and the climate;
  • connecting people to the Internet and helping them do business online;
  • bringing education, training and healthcare within reach of more people;
  • strengthening peace, democracy and human rights.

Who can apply?

If you are a journalist, you can submit a single application in one of these three categories:

  • Grand Prize: for reporting published by a media outlet based in one of the European Union’s partner countries.
  • Europe Prize: for reporting published by a media outlet based in the European Union.
  • Best Emerging Journalist Prize: for reporting by a journalist below 30 years old, published in a media outlet based in the European Union or in one of its partner countries.

How do I apply?

You can apply online. Applications opened today 1 March and close on 19 April 2021 at 23:59 Central European Time (CET).

Who selects the winners?

A grand jury of renowned journalists and specialists in international development from around the world will choose the winners in each category.

Each winner will receive €10,000. The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist category will also be offered work experience with a media partner.

The winners will be announced at the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize Award Ceremony (date to be confirmed).


The Prize at a glance

The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize was launched by the European Commission in 1992 to recognise and celebrate excellence in reporting on sustainable development issues. It is named after Lorenzo Natali, a former Commissioner for Development and staunch defender of freedom of expression, democracy, human rights and development. Natali served as Commissioner from 1977 until 1989 and during his final four-year term, he set up a broad network of relations with governments and leaders of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

The winners of the last year’s edition were Dayu Zhang -under the Grand Prize category-, for a story on the 2019 Hong Kong protests; Cécile Schilis Gallego and Marion Guegan -for the Europe Prize- for showing the hostile environment faced by journalists reporting on mining stories; and Shola Lawal as Best Emerging Journalist, for reporting on the dangerous conditions faced by African migrants to reach North America.

For More Information

Terms and conditions of the 2021 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize

Lorenzo Natali Media Prize website

Directorate-General for International Partnerships

[email protected]