In the Parliament Agenda of this week: anti-semitism, EU emissions, Juncker and protecting the elderly
From fighting anti-semitism to improving transport and protecting vulnerable elderly people, read our overview of what’s happening in Parliament this week.
This week MEPs debate threats to media freedom in the Czech Republic, discuss how to fight anti-semtism, look at plans to boost the transport sector and vote on protective measures for vulnerable elderly people.
Plenary session
MEPs debate on Thursday reports of alleged political pressure on the media in the Czech Republic.
Anti-semitism is returning to Europe: on Thursday members vote on a resolution on how to fight it as well as on a set of long-term priorities for the EU’s Agency for Fundamental Rights.
On Wednesday MEPs debate new European Commission proposals to boost the EU’s transport sector. Parliament has already asked for measures to increase the use of alternative fuels, improve road safety, tackle unfair competition as well as exploitation of workers in the sector.
MEPs debate on Thursday plans to provide vulnerable elderly people with social care if they live in other EU countries. After the debate they will also vote on it.
The environment committee votes Tuesday on new binding CO2 emission ceilings for the agriculture, transport, waste and construction sectors. The aim is to reduce EU emissions by at least 30% by 2030.
Large multinational companies doing business in the EU could be forced to publish information on where they make profits and how much tax they pay in EU countries, under new plans being voted on by the economic and legal affairs committee on Tuesday.
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the former prime minister and finance minister of Luxembourg, is questioned on Tuesday by Parliament’s inquiry committee looking into money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion.