Legislative acts adopted by the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council


The Council today adopted a set of legislative acts in the following areas:

  • Employment and Social Policy
  • Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Environment
  • Internal Market and Industry
  • Transport

This reflects the outcome of recent negotiations with the European Parliament on a number of files before the end of the current legislature.

The list of acts adopted is set out below and includes links to more detailed information on each file.

Employment and Social Policy

Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union

Regulation establishing a European Labour Authority

Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers


Regulation amending general food law


Regulation on technical measures


Regulation on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (recast)

Regulation on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

Internal Market and Industry

Directive on digital tools and processes in company law


Directive on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles

Regulation establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment

Visit the meeting page
