Press point by EP President Metsola and Slovak President Čaputová
Right before the Slovak President addresses the Plenary, Parliament President Roberta Metsola and President Zuzana Čaputová will hold a joint press point, today at 11.25.
WHEN: Wednesday 19 October at 11.25
WHERE: Protocol area behind hemicycle (WEISS H00), Strasbourg
In a formal sitting at 11.30, the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová will outline her vision to MEPs on how to address the current challenges facing the EU. President Metsola and President Čaputová will have a bilateral meeting before the press point.
The press point will take place in front of the backdrop outside the Protocol lounge behind the Hemicycle. There will be simultaneous interpretation in Slovak and English.
You can follow it in person or via the streaming on Parliament’s multimedia centre.