The Week Ahead 22 – 28 June 2020

MFF/EU long-term and recovery budget. The EP’s President and political group leaders (Conference of Presidents) will meet with Commission President von der Leyen to discuss upcoming negotiations on the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). As follow-up, Parliament’s MFF and Own Resources Contact Group, chaired by President Sassoli, will convene right after to discuss the way forward (Tuesday).

COVID-19/WHO Director-General.
 Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organisation, will debate the current pandemic with the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee. It is the first time he will appear in the European Parliament in this legislature (Thursday).

EU strategy for COVID-19 vaccines. 
Commissioner Kyriakides will be present at a debate with the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee on an EU Strategy for COVID-19 vaccines. It proposes a joint EU approach to accelerate the development of vaccines (Monday).

Chemicals strategy for sustainability. 
The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee will vote on a resolution calling for a chemicals strategy for sustainability that effectively ensures a high level of protection of human health and the environment, minimising exposure to hazardous chemicals. The Commission is scheduled to present a chemicals strategy for sustainability later this year (Thursday).

Terrorism situation in 2020. 
Manuel Navarrete, Head of Europol’s European Counter Terrorism Centre, will present the 2020 EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) and debate with the Civil Liberties Committee. The report provides data on terrorism in the EU and identifies trends in crime (Tuesday).

EU Employment Guidelines. 
The Employment Committee will ask the Commission to update EU employment guidelines to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, in a resolution that will also include MEPs’ recommendations on how to boost labour demand and improve access to employment as well as promote equal opportunities (Tuesday).

Support to Syrian refugees. 
The Budgets Committee will vote to mobilise 100 million euros in EU aid to support refugees and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon as well as 485 million euros to ensure that urgent humanitarian support continues for refugees in Turkey (Wednesday).

Human rights/Steven Donziger.
 The Subcommittee on Human Rights will discuss human rights due diligence legislation with, among others, Steven Donziger, an American lawyer known for his legal battles with Chevron. Donziger is currently under house arrest awaiting trial, a move condemned by 29 Nobel laureates as “judicial harassment” by Chevron (Monday).

President’s diary.
 EP President David Sassoli will meet with the President of the Economic and Social Committee, Luca Jahier, on Tuesday.

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