The Week Ahead 23 – 29 October 2023

©European Union, 2021, Source: EP – Multimedia Centre©European Union, 2021, Source: EP – Multimedia Centre

Committee meetings, Brussels

Net-Zero Industry Act. The Industry Committee will adopt its position on the so-called Net-Zero Industry Act, which aims to help the transition to a climate-neutral economy by supporting net-zero technology sectors such as wind turbines, electrolysers, batteries, solar panels and heat pumps. The global market for these sectors is projected to triple by 2030, showing the need to secure access to technologies essential for future energy systems (Wednesday).

Packaging & waste packaging. The Environment Committee will adopt its position on a draft bill introducing new sustainability requirements for the use and reuse of packaging (e.g. harmful chemicals restrictions, minimum amounts of recycled content), as well as limits on the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags and targets for reducing packaging, separate collection and recycling (Tuesday).

Sustainable use of pesticides/glyphosate. A proposal to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 and promote a more environmentally-friendly system of pest control will be up for a vote in the Environment Committee, followed by a press conference at 13:30. The committee will also have a separate vote on an objection to the Commission’s proposal to renew the approval of glyphosate for ten years (Tuesday).

Green deal/CO2 emissions for buses & trucks. The Environment Committee will vote on new emission reduction standards for CO₂ emissions from new heavy-duty vehicles (buses and trucks) to contribute to the shift to zero-emission mobility in the context of increased EU climate ambition by 2030 and EU climate neutrality by 2050 (Tuesday).

Green deal/Carbon removals. The first EU-wide framework to certify carbon removals (i.e. removing CO2 from the atmosphere) will be up for a vote in the Environment Committee. The proposal would boost innovative carbon removal technologies and sustainable carbon farming solutions that are needed to reach the EU’s goal to become climate neutral by 2050 (Tuesday).

Frontex. The Civil Liberties Committee will adopt its conclusions on whether Frontex is complying with fundamental rights, following up on a fact-finding investigation carried out by the Working Group for Frontex Scrutiny (Thurday).

European Council.
 President Roberta Metsola will address EU heads of state and government at the 26-27 October European Council, which is expect to discuss Ukraine,
the review of the EU long-term budget, the economy, migration, and the situation in Israel and Gaza. President Metsola will host a press conference following her address to the European Council.

President’s diary. EP President Roberta Metsola will be in Berlin on Monday to deliver a speech on “Relaunch, Reform, Reimagine Europe” at the Humboldt University.