The Week Ahead 24 – 30 July 2023


No parliamentary meetings are scheduled in Brussels, as the week is set aside for committee delegations conducting visits linked to topics falling under their responsibility.

EU support to Ukraine/Germany and Poland. A delegation of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence will go to Germany and Poland on a fact-finding delegation to assess the EU’s ongoing Military Assistance Mission to Ukraine. Launched in November 2022 for the duration of two years, this mission aims to strengthen the capacity of Ukrainian armed forces to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity (Monday to Wednesday).

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, composed of 150 Members (half of them MEPs and half – Latin American regional parliamentarians), will gather in Madrid to assess the results of the recent EU, Latin American and Caribbean states leaders’ meeting in Brussels and look for ways to boost the bi-regional dialogue (Monday to Thursday).

Foreign affairs/Japan and Taiwan. A delegation of Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs will travel to Japan and Taiwan to discuss the most pressing geopolitical developments in both the Indo-Pacific and the South China Sea region with various counterparts. In Tokyo, MEPs will hold meetings with Japanese government representatives, parliamentarians and academics, while the visit to Tapei will feature discussions with high-level officials and other stakeholders (Monday to Thursday).

 An Agriculture and Rural Development Committee delegation will go to Israel to discuss irrigation methods at times of increasing droughts in Europe. MEPs will meet the Minister of Agriculture, Members of the Knesset and agricultural engineering researchers. The delegation will also visit companies specialised in irrigation solutions, water facilities and farms using precise irrigation methods (Monday to Wednesday).

Transport/Italy. MEPs from the Transport and Tourism Committee will travel to Naples and Ischia to take stock of the impact that last year’s flooding had on the tourism sector and to explore ways of greening mobility. The visit will be wrapped up by a press conference on Wednesday (Monday to Wednesday).