Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy) of 15 October 2024

Indicative programme

All times are approximate and subject to change

ECCL building, Luxembourg

Attila Steiner, State Secretary for Energy and Climate Policy

from 08.30
Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 08.45
Doorstep by Attila Steiner (live streaming)

Beginning of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy)

Adoption of the agenda
Approval of “A” items
– Non-legislative list
– Legislative list (+/- 9.30 public session)

The contribution of the energy sector to the competitiveness of the European Union – follow up to recommendations of the Draghi report (+/- 9.35 public session)

Divergence of wholesale electricity prices – Exchange of views (+/- 11.05 public session)

Winter preparedness 2024/2025: Energy situation in Ukraine

Winter preparedness 2024/2025: Security of supply of the Union

Report on the state of the Energy Union and follow-up REPowerEU Plan

Any other business:
– Geothermal Energy Conference (+/- 15.30 public session)
– Update on the implementation of the Fit for 55 legislation (+/- 15.40 public session)
– “Transforming the Mediterranean Region Corridor” (Cyprus, 23 September 2024) (+/- 15.55 public session)
– Biofuels supply from palm oil derivatives and fraud prevention (+/- 16.05 public session)
– Opening of the European hydrogen bank to low-carbon hydrogen (+/- 16.15 public session)
– Information from the European nuclear energy forum from 30 September to 1 October in Prague
– Coordinated implementation of EU restrictive measures on Russian LNG transshipments