A transatlantic climate alliance

"When Joe Biden visits Europe for the first time as US president, he should begin forging a transatlantic green deal. President Biden is visiting Brussels for the first time since his inauguration on 14 June,…
The Sound of Economics

“Climate and Development Policy” with Diana Fox Carney

Diana Fox Carney is an Oxford alumna and an expert in development and climate policy. She is known globally for her work with a wide range of organisations, from UK and Canadian think tanks to…
Oxford Society for International Development

Digital markets act

In December 2020, the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector, otherwise referred to as the digital markets act (DMA). The proposed legislation lays down…
Climate Solutions

European Pillar of Social Rights: Gothenburg, Porto and beyond

The social pillar is to be the fifth pillar of the economic and monetary union. It is to serve as a compass for updating the EU's welfare states and labour markets to the new realities…
Climate Solutions

The Exchange: Steering Europe’s green transition

Frans Timmermans has a key leadership role in the European Union’s quest to reduce its 2030 emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels. Ahead of a major set of green policy updates next month, he…
The Exchange