Slovak general elections result: the EU’s DSA enforcement challenges ahead

Slovaks voted last Saturday on 30 September, but criticism abounded over the extensive abuse of political disinformation across online platforms – just as the Digital Services Act (DSA), the legislation tackling illegal content online, entered…

EU prepping for post-quantum encryption

The first episode of the two-part podcast series focusses on the EU’s preparedness for post-quantum encryption. With Heike Hagemeier, an expert at the German Federal Office for Information Security, BSI, and Andrea Garcia Rodriguez, Lead…

EU regulators have Tech Giants in their sights

Brussels is taking on the likes of Amazon and Apple with a slew of new rules aimed at curbing market dominance and taking back control over data. Former EU Commission economist Bertin Martens explains to…

Bundeskartellamt vs Meta: what now?

The European Court of Justice recently ruled on a high-profile case with far-reaching consequences for enforcement in the fields of competition and data protection. We have discussed the verdict’s implications with Cristina Caffarra, renowned competition expert, and Johnny Ryan, senior…

This simple framework can drive disruptive innovation: Qualcomm’s Cristiano Amon

Qualcomm has long served as a tech pioneer, driving innovations in cellular connectivity, AI, autonomous driving and more. CEO Cristiano Amon shares how digitalization will further transform our lives -- from health and retail to…
The World Economic Forum