Dave Coen is a Professor of Public Policy and Pro Vice Provost Global Engagement at UCL. Previously, he was Head of the Department of Political Science and Director of the Global Governance Institute. Prior to joining UCL, he held appointments at the London Business School and Max Planck Institute in Cologne. David Coen has held visiting appointments as a Schuman Distinguished Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies (European University Institute), the Fernand Braudel Professorial Fellowship at the Political Science Department EUI, the Fulbright Distinguished Professor Fellowship at the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University) and Visiting Researcher at the Centre for European Studies. He has also published extensively in public policy and business journals. He has also published books including Lobbying the European Union (2009), The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government (2010), Global Governance II (2017), Global Climate Governance (2020), and Business Lobbying in the European Union (2021).