A social democratic vision of German foreign policy

With Angela Merkel stepping down as Chancellor, the next German federal elections scheduled for this September promise to mark a turning point for Germany. Foreign policy issues promise to be a crucial part of the…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

The politics of classifying nuclear power in the EU; and 10 years of UK Bribery Act

The green credentials of nuclear power have come under recent scrutiny in the European Union, as the bloc ponders whether to label as environmentally friendly investment in the industry. The argument of what’s referred to…
MLex Market Insight

Are NATO Allies on the Same Page?

Underneath the public face of unity at this week’s NATO meetings, potential disagreements and fissures between the United States and its European allies could significantly complicate the US’ return to the global stage. Council President…
Deep Dish Podcast

Avoiding a requiem for the WTO

"The WTO has been 'missing in action': how can we restore the organisation's role as a global forum for cooperation on trade? As the only global international organisation dealing with the rules of trade between…
The Sound of Economics

EU-US data transfer negotiations

What to expect from next week’s summit? International lawyer Rafi Azim-Khan walks us through the state of play for international data transfer and the key challenges ahead of the negotiations.
Digital Brief

CER podcast: Joe Biden’s bridge-building European tour

This week's CER podcast looks ahead to Joe Biden's trip to Europe, where he will meet Boris Johnson and the Queen, before taking part in the G7, NATO and EU-US summits and later meeting Vladimir…
Centre for European Reform

A transatlantic climate alliance

"When Joe Biden visits Europe for the first time as US president, he should begin forging a transatlantic green deal. President Biden is visiting Brussels for the first time since his inauguration on 14 June,…
The Sound of Economics

The Exchange: Steering Europe’s green transition

Frans Timmermans has a key leadership role in the European Union’s quest to reduce its 2030 emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels. Ahead of a major set of green policy updates next month, he…
The Exchange

Belarus: a test for Europe’s foreign policy?

"The forced landing of an internal EU flight is just the latest development in the President of Belarus’ efforts to cling to power. The recent forced landing of an internal EU flight to arrest opposition…
The Sound of Economics

Towards a global corporate tax?

"How will a global corporate tax affect the modern economy? The idea of a global corporate tax has been floating around for decades, but a US proposal for a 15% of a global minimum tax…
The Sound of Economics

Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s Ambassador to the EU

Russia’s relations with the West have been poor for some time but now they have reached a new level of hostility. Since the imprisonment of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, new sanctions have been imposed…

COP26 and Europe’s green grand bargain

Negotiations of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) are underway in Glasgow. This week, host Mark Leonard speaks with Lykke Friis, ECFR board member and…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes