The prospects for EU-India relations ahead of the Leaders Summit

The EU is India's largest trading partner; India, in turn, is only the EU’s tenth largest trading partner. And despite the two often having expressed an interest in closer trade and political relations, there has…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

CER podcast: Russia and Ukraine: A worsening crisis?

Seven years after Russia illegally annexed Crimea, conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resurged, with Putin deploying Russian regular forces along Ukraine's eastern border. In this podcast episode, the CER's director Charles Grant speaks to…
Centre for European Reform

Why is Russia massing troops near Ukraine?

Untangling the politics behind the EU – China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Recent sanctions and counter-sanctions between the EU and China have put the future of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) in doubt. Where…
The Real Story

The future of China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

Untangling the politics behind the EU – China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Recent sanctions and counter-sanctions between the EU and China have put the future of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) in doubt. Where…
The Sound of Economics

The geopolitics of cybersecurity

Are both, the EU and Japan ready for the challenges ahead of a digital 21st century? In many respects, there are points of contact between Asia and Europe. Parts, components, but also software from Asia…

Adar Poonawalla: How to vaccinate the world

Stephen Sackur speaks to Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of the biggest vaccine producer in the world, Serum Institute of India. He went all-in on a production deal with Astrazeneca, and for many of us, the…

How the pandemic polarised us

We explore political polarisation in the UK, EU, US and on social media in light of COVID-19, and how democracy can be built back.
LSE Podcasts

A talk with Margrethe Vestager

Europe’s antitrust tsar is responsible for keeping U.S. digital behemoths in check and making sure that the bloc doesn’t slip too far behind on technology. She joined Liam Proud to talk about a string of…
The Exchange

The global impact of the European Green Deal

What are the key aspects of how the European Green Deal will change the world? Introduced by the new European Commission in 2019, the Green Deal’s goal is to decouple economic growth from resource use…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

The future of EU-China-US relations

One of the foreign policy priorities of US president Joe Biden is to work with allies on China. His administration reached out to the European Union ahead of his inauguration to make US intentions clear.…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

How Europeans see Biden’s America

The new poll by ECFR revealed that despite the joy and relief many Europeans felt when Joe Biden won the US presidential election, they do not think he can help America make a comeback as…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

EU-US trade under Biden: New and Improved?

Rupert Schlegelmilch, Director for US Relations in DG Trade of the European Commission, discusses transatlantic trade relations under the new Biden Administration, how trade fits into the new EU-US agenda, WTO reform, and the EU's…
EU Now