Summit with focus on Iran’s attack and EU’s competitiveness

In this episode of our ‘Today in the EU’ podcast, we’re looking into this week’s EU summit and the pressing topics on the agenda. EU leaders are meeting in Brussels on 17-18 April for an…

Does the EU need to go further in competition policy for tech?

This week we talk to Max von Thun, Europe Director at the Open Markets Institute about competition policy. Amid a barrage of measures and investigations on digital competition in recent weeks, the think tank co-authored…

Poland confronted with its Eurosceptic past

In the latest episode of our daily podcast Today in the EU, we take a look at the consequences of political polarisation in Poland. October 2023 marked the end of eight years of the nationalist…

Balkanisation d’Internet : vers la fin du web global ?

Dans un monde hyperconnecté, la stabilité d'Internet est prise pour acquise. Mais qu'arrive-t-il lorsque les fondements même de ce réseau des réseaux commencent à se fissurer ? De la pandémie de Covid-19 aux conséquences de…
Le Monde selon l'Ifri

One grid to rule them all? The future of a European single electricity market

In this episode of The Sound of economics, Rebecca Christie invites Georg Zachmann and Christian Zinglersen to talk about the ambitious idea of creating a more integrated European electricity market. They discuss the drastic change in…
The Sound of Economics

The view from Beijing on DMA, AI Act

This week, we talk to the Eurasia Group’s Xiaomeng Lu about how Beijing and Washington DC view EU regulations, such as the AI Act and the DMA, as well as the key differences in their…

Fast-paced or sluggish? The EU accession of the Western Balkans amidst geostrategic rivalries

The Western Balkans are of high geostrategic importance for the European Union. Marina Vulović and Florian Bieber discuss how the European integration of the countries in the region can be achieved and how geopolitical shifts…

Capital markets union – why now?

European Union leaders want to breathe new life into the Capital markets union, the decade-old project to reduce fragmentation and put finance to work for the single market. In this episode of the Sound of…

VDL on tightrope: Indulging the right without losing the left

In this episode of our daily Today in the EU podcast, we are talking about Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s effort to gain support from both ends of the political spectrum. Von der Leyen faces a…
Today in the EU