The computing power behind AI

Behind great Artificial Intelligence, there is great computing power. Computing capacity is a much under-discussed aspect of the AI race, on which Luca Bertuzzi tries to shed some light with Vili Lehdonvirta, professor at the…

Macron’s flawed diplomacy in China

Emmanuel Macron sparked an international backlash over remarks he made to the press about Taiwan after a visit to China. The French president is also facing growing opposition at home after he pushed through an…
The Rachman Review

Hard pact to follow: the Good Friday Agreement at 25

The famed power-sharing deal did its work of sharply reducing sectarian violence, but a quarter-century on it has led to depressingly dysfunctional politics.
The Economist

Hungary’s strategy for connectivity

Mark Leonard joined by Balázs Orbán, political director of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, on more independent middle and regional powers
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

#Tech – The #quantum revolution : First port of call

An FT News Briefing on early adopters of #QuantumTechnology and first applications in process optimisation
FT News Briefing

Gigabit recommendation – what impact on the telecom sector?

The European Commission has recently proposed a Gigabit recommendation as part of a broader Connectivity Package. Luca Bertuzzi discusses the potential impact of the recommendation on the European telecom market with Kamila Kloc, Acting Director…

France & Germany on strike – Commission Legal Chief, Daniel Calleja Crespo

The worst strikes and protests in decades bring both France and Germany to a standstill this week. Is this just the beginning of Europe’s cost of living crisis? Special guest is Director General of the…
POLITICO's EU Confidential

Quantitative tightening in the euro area

Why has the ECB decided to implement this policy? In March 2023, the European Central Bank (ECB) launched its quantitative tightening (QT) policy, to unwind its portfolio of assets that resulted from its quantitative easing…

Assessing Europe’s strategy on critical raw materials

What role do critical raw materials play in the EU’s industrial policy? The Critical Raw Materials Act, proposed by the European Commission on the 16 March 2023, sets clear benchmarks for domestic capacities along the…
Agrifood Brief

Agrifood podcast: Belarus fertiliser, Ukraine grain influx

This week, EURACTIV’s Agrifood team brings you the latest from the European Council where UN Secretary-General António Guterres asked EU leaders to lift sanctions on Belarus fertiliser potash. They also talked about the Commission’s decision…
Agrifood Brief

Data sharing in the DMA & DSA

The Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act include unprecedented measures forcing online platforms to share data. We caught up with Inge Graef, an associate professor at Tilburg University, and Filippo Lancieri, a researcher at…

How safe are European banks?

This week on the Beyond the Byline podcast, we are looking at the trouble in the financial markets, following the collapse of the US-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Credit Suisse had to be taken over by UBS in…
Beyond the Byline