Maastricht at 30

"How has this founding treaty changed European integration? On 7 February 1992, twelve states signed the Maastricht Treaty, the foundation treaty of the European Union. As the treaty enters its 30s, what has it achieved?…
The Sound of Economics

Marking two years of COVID-19

Earlier this week marked two years since the first cases of COVID-19 were detected in the WHO European Region. In this episode we speak with a frontline healthcare worker, the importance of vaccination and find…
Health in Europe

The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and Europe’s online markets

The VBER revision will have an important impact on online sales for the next 10 years. We discuss how the regulation will affect digital markets with Maike Jansen, public affairs advisor at Ecommerce Europe.
Digital Brief

Ask CER – Episode 3: Strategic autonomy, the EU’s taxonomy and the French election

In this week's CER podcast, our experts answered the questions you wrote in with, asking about all things European policy. Our media co-ordinator Rosie Giorgi spoke to senior research fellows Luigi Scazzieri and Elisabetta Cornago,…
Centre for European Reform

Europe’s role in tackling the Russia-Ukraine crisis

Diplomatic talks about the Russia – Ukraine crisis are increasingly icy. While Europeans continue to gnash their teeth over a patchy security architecture, US president Biden and the Russian president Putin are struggling to come…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

Europe’s mental health in decline and EU taxonomy ‘under fire’

This week our podcast focuses on the rise of the suicide rates amongst Europe's youth, the increase of depression among EU citizens, what has been done and what can we do better. To shed some…
Beyond the Byline

Make AI boring again

"How can AI education improve workers' experience? AI is fundamentally changing the economy, it has the power to improve workers’ experience if AI uptake is done well, or it can create new inequalities depending on…
The Sound of Economics

Resilience of global supply chains: Challenges and solutions

The growing importance of global supply chains has fundamentally changed the way the global economy and goods manufacturing are organised. While trade conducted through global supply chains has fallen somewhat as a share of total…
EPRS policy podcasts

Climate change: A risk to food security?

While agriculture remains one of the biggest contributors to climate change, it is also most exposed to its adverse effects. Scientists say that extreme weather events will become more frequent and more intense as global…
The Real Story

France’s digital agenda

As Paris has taken over the rotating presidency of the EU Council, we discuss with our correspondent Mathieu Pollet how France is expected to shape the EU digital agenda in the coming months. And how…
Digital Brief

The European economy in 2022

"What are the economic priorities for the new year? Happy New Year and welcome back to The Sound of Economics! In this first episode of 2022, Guntram Wolff is joined by Irene Tinagli MEP, Chair…
The Sound of Economics

CER end of year podcast: Review of 2021

In our latest Centre for European Reform podcast, our Clara Marina O'Donnell fellow Megan Ferrando speaks to eight of our researchers. They reflect on the EU's past year from different perspectives, including climate action; the…
Centre for European Reform