Can central banks save the planet?

"“We are not going to lead our society to a low-carbon economy by continuing to finance the status quo. “ Central bankers now seem keen to take on responsibility for policy objectives they have previously…
The Sound of Economics

US returns to Paris climate agreement, but faces ‘credibility gap’

This Spring, the European Central Bank will decide whether or not to move ahead with preparatory work to launch a digital euro, a project that could have far-reaching implications for the very foundations of the…
ESG Insider: A Podcast by S&P Global

A Digital Euro

This Spring, the European Central Bank will decide whether or not to move ahead with preparatory work to launch a digital euro, a project that could have far-reaching implications for the very foundations of the…
Digital Brief

From support to recovery: national fiscal policy in the wake of COVID-19

The EU has set ambitious goals for economic recovery: how these recovery funds are spent by member states will be critical to its success. A look into the European framework and the case of Italy.…
The Sound of Economics

A talk with Margrethe Vestager

Europe’s antitrust tsar is responsible for keeping U.S. digital behemoths in check and making sure that the bloc doesn’t slip too far behind on technology. She joined Liam Proud to talk about a string of…
The Exchange

The global impact of the European Green Deal

What are the key aspects of how the European Green Deal will change the world? Introduced by the new European Commission in 2019, the Green Deal’s goal is to decouple economic growth from resource use…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

The geopolitical repercussions of the European Green Deal

EU policymakers need to wake up to the consequences abroad of domestic decisions. The European Green Deal is a plan to decarbonise the EU economy by 2050, revolutionise the EU’s energy system, profoundly transform the…
The Sound of Economics

The future of EU-China-US relations

One of the foreign policy priorities of US president Joe Biden is to work with allies on China. His administration reached out to the European Union ahead of his inauguration to make US intentions clear.…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

What next for Artificial Intelligence in the EU?

In this week’s edition, we take a deep dive into the European Union’s next moves in the Artificial Intelligence space by drawing on recent comments from political officials and catching up with policy experts in…
Digital Brief

How Europeans see Biden’s America

The new poll by ECFR revealed that despite the joy and relief many Europeans felt when Joe Biden won the US presidential election, they do not think he can help America make a comeback as…
Mark Leonard's World in 30 Minutes

EU-US trade under Biden: New and Improved?

Rupert Schlegelmilch, Director for US Relations in DG Trade of the European Commission, discusses transatlantic trade relations under the new Biden Administration, how trade fits into the new EU-US agenda, WTO reform, and the EU's…
EU Now

The world Biden inherits

On the final Pod Save the World of the Trump presidency, Ben and Tommy talk about Joe Biden’s day-one foreign policy agenda, the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, why the US dropped charges…
Pod Save The World