PubAffairs Bruxelles announces the official start of an editorial partnership with Finabel, the European Army Interoperability Centre.


Brussels, 11th May. PubAffairs Bruxelles is pleased to announce that it has officially entered into an editorial partnership with the European Army Interoperability Centre (Finabel), an organisation which complements and cooperates with EU and NATO military structures by promoting and facilitating the interoperability of land forces through the harmonisation of military concepts, doctrines and procedures. It produces recommendations, guidelines and research for army decision-makers according to the demands of its Member States.

The Opinion and Analysis section of PubAffairs’ website was designed to allow readers to go deeper on cutting-edge matters discussed across Europe and globally. This partnership aligns with one of the fundamental principles of PubAffairs Bruxelles, to represent as far as possible the range of policy sectors and individuals concerned with EU policy making and to allow the participation of academics, think-tanks, researchers, media, and active citizens to further enrich the debate.

Notably, the current international climate of instability has caused issues of defence and security to come under the limelight. As Finabel’s work facilitates a common European understanding of defence issues through recommendations, guidelines, and research, this collaboration aims to foster more understanding, transparency and participation in questions surrounding the matter of defence in Europe.

“Geopolitical instability has reignited the debate on Europe’s defence and highlighted once more how EU’s security is strictly interconnected with that which happens outside its borders. For these reasons we thought that it was necessary to enhance the level of insight on the questions stemming from the European defence sector” – Massimiliano Gobbato, Communication Director, PubAffairs Bruxelles

“As the European Army Interoperability Centre, we are excited to collaborate with PubAffairs Bruxelles as an editorial partner for the purpose of enabling the European public policy audience to be informed on defence matters in the current geopolitical context.” – Mario Blokken, Director, Finabel

Along with daily updates on the most relevant EU institutional and EU-related media news covering the most important aspects of the EU policymaking, PubAffairs Bruxelles’ cross-sectorial network of practitioners, experts and active citizens will now benefit from valuable insights into policy questions relating to defence coming from Finabel’s research.

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