Spinelli Prize Project

Engage (EU)rself in history, culture and languages

PubAffairs Bruxelles has developed and carried out a set of activities  developed throughout the year 2019 in order to participate in the Altiero Spinelli Prize for Outreach

1 – (EU)r history in pictures

The European Parliamentary elections of May 2019 inspired PubAffairs’ decision to participate in the promotion of the Union’s work and values to citizens of all backgrounds in Europe, and beyond, through our project (EU)r history in pictures. The central focus of this activity has been to share key moments in the history of the EU, beginning with the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and continued with subsequent enlargement and deepened integration, the introduction and development of the single currency, and the Union’s receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, to name just a few significant examples.

2 – Show us your Europe

The second component of the project was a photo contest aimed at placing young people at the centre of our activities.

Further contributions

3 EU Election Quiz 2019

The community of PubAffairs’ social media was asked to answer a question every week, regarding geographical, historical or political facts about the EU. The prize for each winner was a selection of PubAffairs’ information sheets and gimmicks.

4 Mini debate series and activities in French under the project  “Engaging with multilingualism and debating Interculturalism and European values” – in cooperation with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie 

Engaging with Multilingualism and debating Interculturalism and European values


Dire l’universel et le singulier : ce que disent nos langues de nos identités et de notre humanité / Say the universal and the singular : what our languages have to say about our identities and humanity

PubAffairs posted a list of nine proverbs in French, English, German and Spanish on its social media. Proverbs witness at the same time differences and similarities that make the Europeans a community and emphasise promotion of cultural expression. The community was encouraged to contribute with equivalent proverbs in their own languages to the project and add their own proverbs.

To see the action proposal follow this link: http://bit.do/fi5jg


Event on the International Day of Multilingualism on the 26th of September 2019: Quels défis pour le multilinguisme dans l’Union européenne d’aujourd’hui?/ What Challenges for multilingualism in today’s European Union

The speakers of this event were Ms Anna-Maria Stan, Political Officer, Schools and Multilingualism, European Commission – DG EAC, Ms Monica Semedo, MEP (Renew Europe/FR), Employment and Social Affairs Committee – EMPL, Professor Jacques De Decker, Perpetual secretary of the Belgian Royal Academy of Language and Literature and Ms Anna Sole-Mena, author of “Multilingualism from the cradle. Educating children in several languages”.


Event on 18th June 2019 on the perspectives of an intercultural dialogue: Le dialogue interculturel dans l’Union européenne: quelles perspectives à l’horizon?/ The intercultural dialogue in the European Union: what perceptive on the horizon?

The speakers of this event were Ms Catherine Magnant, Advisor, Culture and Creativity, European Commission, Mr Élie Barnavi, Professor at the University of Tel Aviv, award holder of the «Grand prix de la Francophonie de l’Académie française», Ms Oriane Calligaro, Professor, ESPOL Lille, visiting professor at the College of Europe et co-review director of « Politique européenne », Mr Renaud Denuit, writer and editor at Agence Europe and Mr Conny Reuter, Secretary General, Solidar.

The invitation to this event is available here



Event on the 20th of November 2019 on the “European Way of life”: Dans quelle mesure pouvons-nous parler d’un « mode de vie européen» et s’il existe quel est-il? /To what extent would it be possible to talk about a “European way of life” and, if it does exist, what is it?”

The speakers of this event were Mr László Trócsány, MEP (PPE/HU), Mr Jean Leclercq,Professor, UCL Louvain, Mr Andrea Rea, Professor, ULB, Mr Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero, Secretary General, Union of European Federalist – Belgium and Mr Aymeric De Lamotte,independent city Councillor and Laywer.

The invitation to the event is available here

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