PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 16th of October 2019 the debate “Digitalisation of SMEs: How to make it possible?”,organised by METRO in cooperation with EuroCommerce, between our distinguished speakers Mr Ivan Štefanec, Member of the European Parliament and President of SME Europe, Ms Jasmin Battista, DG CNECT, European Commission, Ms Katerina Borunska, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Ms Birgit Winn, Head of Digital Projects, Hospitality.Digital, METRO AG, Mr Alexandre Nilo Fonseca, President of ACEPI (Portuguese Digital Economy Association), Ms Mira-Maria Kontkanen, Advisor, Federation of Finnish Enterprises, and Mr Marta Mikliszanska, Head of Public Affairs, Allegro.
A special thank goes to Mr Petri Peltonen, Finnish SME Envoy, Mr Neil McMillan, EuroCommerce Director Political Affairs and Trade, and to Mr Henrik Reimer, Head of Office, SME Connect for their respective speeches.
We would also like to thank our distinguished guests and our moderator, Michael Acton, MLex Market Insights.
We hope that all the contributors, attendees, as well as our present and future members will join us for our next debate.