PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 22nd of May the debate “What role for energy storage systems in the EU energy transition?” between our distinguished speakers Ms Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit, New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal, DG Energy, European Commission, Mr Per-Olof Granström Director, Energy, Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), Mr Patrick Clerens, Secretary General, European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), Mr Jean-Baptiste Bart, Deputy Head, Economic and Technical Analysis of Energy Systems Department, EDF R&D, and Mr Michel Matheu, Head of EU Strategy & Stakeholder Relations, EDF.
We would like to thank our sponsor, EDF, our distinguished guests and our moderator, Hughes Belin, freelance journalist.
We hope that all the contributors, attendees, as well as our present and future members will join us for our next debate.