Thank you for attending the debate “Will the next EU legislative mandate foster an industrial policy which combines competitiveness and sustainability?”

PubAffairs Bruxelles was delighted to host on the 19th of June 2024 the event “Will the next EU legislative mandate foster an industrial policy which combines competitiveness and sustainability?” an afternoon of discussion on whether the next EU legislative mandate will foster an industrial policy which combines competitiveness and sustainability, with our distinguished speakers: Mr Cristian Bulumac, ITRE Policy Advisor, Greens/EFA Group; Mr Lars Ole Locke, ITRE Policy Advisor, EPP Group; Mr Axel Minaire, ITRE Policy Advisor, Renew Group; Mr Maxim Raym, ITRE Policy Advisor, ECR Group and Ms Stella Sassi, ITRE Policy Advisor, S&D Group. Andreas Sauer, EU Policy Director, BMW held an introductory speech.

We would like to thank our event partner BMW as well as our moderator Rebecca Christie, Europe Columnist, Reuters Breakingnews for having allowed this debate to take place.

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