Can central banks save the planet?

"“We are not going to lead our society to a low-carbon economy by continuing to finance the status quo. “ Central bankers now seem keen to take on responsibility for policy objectives they have previously…
The Sound of Economics

From support to recovery: national fiscal policy in the wake of COVID-19

The EU has set ambitious goals for economic recovery: how these recovery funds are spent by member states will be critical to its success. A look into the European framework and the case of Italy.…
The Sound of Economics

The geopolitical repercussions of the European Green Deal

EU policymakers need to wake up to the consequences abroad of domestic decisions. The European Green Deal is a plan to decarbonise the EU economy by 2050, revolutionise the EU’s energy system, profoundly transform the…
The Sound of Economics

Where did the vaccine strategy go wrong?

“We have to open our mind, we have to look internationally. Because if we don’t, COVID-19 is going to stay with us.” One year since the pandemic began, widespread vaccination has finally started. It would…
The Sound of Economics

The geopolitics of money

In this episode of the Sound of Economics, Paola Subacchi, Professor of international economics and chair of the advisory board of the Global Policy Institute at Queen Mary University of London, and Bruegel senior scholars…
The Sound of Economics

The new EU digital regulations: Explained

Bruegel's experts walk you through all the details of the EU's Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act. In this episode of the Sound of Economics, Giuseppe Porcaro is joined by Maria Demertzis, J. Scott…
The Sound of Economics

The political economy of climate transition

Is the green deal a strategy for growth or simply a reallocation mechanism? Climate transition is hotly debated in EU circles as it impacts all areas of policy: from the ambitious climate targets set by…
The Sound of Economics