Jean-François Junger is Deputy Head of Unit at the Cybersecurity Technology and Capacity Building Unit of DG CONNECT, European Commission. Previously, he was Deputy Head of Unit in the ‘public services’ unit where is has been a strong support for the transformation of the public sector towards an open government vision. He joined the Commission in 1998 after 10 years of work as a robotic engineer,. First, he worked from 1998 until 2001 in DG Research, subsequently he moved to DG INFSO in the software unit for two years where he was in charge of the “Open Source Software” subject. In 2003 he joined the eTEN unit as part of the programme and followed project in many different domains. Since the launch of the CIP ICT-PSP programme in 2007, Jean-Francois Junger has supported and promoted the launch of the “Connecting Europe Facility” telecom programme.