Following his BA graduation in International Relations at the University of Malta and a MA in European Public Affairs at the University of Maastricht, Martin Ohridski began his career in the social NGO sector in Brussels where he worked as a Public Affairs Officer, consultant and project manager. He was a Board Member of the Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP) and an accredited lobbyist with the European Parliament. Martin moved to the European civil service in 2008 when he joined the Crisis Management Unit within the Secretariat General of the European Commission. He worked for five years as Team Leader responsible for providing coordination and support in order to ensure that the Commission is able to respond effectively to internal operational disruptions – Business Continuity- and crises that require action at a Community level. He currently works as Policy Officer in the SG Transparency Unit where he contributes to the implementation and development of the Commission’s wider policy on transparency and lobbying regulation, with particular regard to the management of the ”Transparency Register” and the relations with interest representatives.