Philippe Cupers has a PhD in cell biology and biochemistry from the University of Louvain – de Duve Institute – and has worked at the Harvard University Medical School, at the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology, University of Leuven and at GlaxoSmithKline. He moved in 2001 to the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission. He first worked as scientific officer for brain research and then for setting up the Innovative Medicines Initiative. In 2011, he moved back to brain research as Head of Sector before becoming since 1 January 2014 Deputy and then Acting Head of the Unit ‘Strategy’ within the Health Directorate of DG RTD. His responsibilities include the development and promotion of the strategy for health research and innovation. This includes coordination and policy input into the health research activities, and takes into account developments in the Member States (public and private sectors) and on the international scene.